Math homework help -
converting between
percentages, decimals
and fractions

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Percentage to decimal and decimal to percentage
Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages

 Percentage to decimal and decimal to percentage

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 Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages

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  1. To convert a decimal to its equivalent percentage: Multiply the decimal number by 100. For example,
    0.28 = 0.28 × 100 = 28%
  2. To convert a percentage to its equivalent decimal: Divide the given percentage by 100. For example,
    86% = 86 ÷ 100 = 0.86
  3. To convert a fraction to its equivalent decimal: Divide the numerator with the denominator (remember, the fraction bar is just another way of writing the division symbol). For example,
    34 = 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75
  4. To convert a decimal to its equivalent fraction: Rewrite the decimal as a fraction with 1 as the denominator. Since the fraction bar is equivalent to division and dividing a number with 1 gives the same number, you can do that.
    Thus, 3 = 31, 10 = 101 and so on.
    The given fraction, let's say 0.35 = 0.351
    Your next job is to multiply the numerator and denominator with a number to find one of its equivalent forms, so that the decimal numerator changes to an integer.
    In our example, 0.351 = 0.35× 1001× 100
    = 35100
    Now simplify.
    35100 = 35÷ 5100÷ 5
    = 720
  5. To convert a fraction to its equivalent percentage: Rewrite its equivalent form with 100 in the denominator. The numerator is the equivalent percentage. For example,
    25 = ?100
    Since 5 × 20 = 100, ? = 2 ×20 = 40
    Therefore, 25 = 40100 = 40%
    If you can't change the denominator to 100, you can change the fraction to its decimal form and then change that decimal to its equivalent percentage. For example,
    38 = ?100
    But 8 × nothing (I mean no integer) = 100. So,
    38 = 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375 = 37.5%
  6. To convert a percentage to its equivalent fraction: Rewrite the percentage as over 100 and simplify. Remember, 'per cent' means per 100 or over 100. For example,
    52% = 52100 = 52÷ 4100÷ 4 = 1325

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